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Blog: Leadership Principles for Tomorrow


We have recently had the chance to welcome back many old Vincit employees. This has been a great experience and has naturally aroused curiosity about the reasons for coming back. We decided to sit down with a couple of returnees to discuss work and the importance of working life. And, of course, why life brought them back to Vincit.

Many workplaces are now facing the challenge of navigating this uncertainty. At the same time, people are still suffering from remote work apathy and companies, especially in the U.S., struggle with the Great Resignation as they try to keep their valuable talent engaged.

The global pandemic combined with the rapid growth of our company has put a stretch on us, as well. Since I joined Vincit this August, the wellbeing of Vincitizens, creating clarity, and revitalizing the sense of strong community have been our main focus. Keeping true to our purpose, for a world without fear for tomorrow, here are some key leadership principles that I believe in:

Creating Clarity on the Future Direction 🌟
One of the most important tasks of leadership is to create clarity for themselves and their organization. Strong self-organizing communities are founded on a shared understanding of the company’s direction and vision–their North Star. Unnecessary confusion, tension and misdirection are hard to avoid if people do not know where the company is headed and what the current focus is.

Significance of Work 🌎
Significance stems from meaningfulness and impact, and your ability to develop and progress. We have the urge to get better and better at what we do. We want to connect with others through our work, and not just climb up the soul-crushing corporate ladder. Creating a working environment with a clear purpose where people can flourish, is directly related to our happiness, engagement and productivity–and eventually to customer experience.

Inclusion and Diversity Matters ❤️
People should feel that they can be their authentic selves at work and that they are accepted as they are. A sense of belonging and communality is a huge part of human wellbeing. There is a lot of evidence that diverse and inclusive companies are more likely to make better and bolder decisions. This also means enabling diversity in work-life balance and the ways people live and organize their daily lives.

Psychological Safety and Playfulness 🤗
Research shows that fostering psychological safety and resilience in the workplace leads to more adaptive and high-performing teams, which is needed in today’s rapidly changing environment. I also believe in creating a relaxed working environment and that we can be super-professional without always taking ourselves as individuals too seriously. It’s shown that positive playfulness promotes psychological safety in teams and increases creative thinking and outcomes.

The core of Vincit’s DNA has always been the people, the communities built around the individuals, and the unique culture surrounding them. If the people don’t thrive, the business won’t thrive either. At the same time, we need to make sure that we stay relevant and develop our value proposition, as our customers are faced with new challenges at an accelerating speed, as well.

We’ve now embarked on our next journey to keep Vincit a few steps ahead in creating a larger impact for our customers and the planet, becoming an even greater place to work, and continuing to attract top talent also in the future. I am curious to see where this path will take us.