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Wholesale and retail

Data-empowered digital commerce

To stand out in the global competition, wholesale and retail companies need to tap into process and customer data and think about the value they can extract from analytics. 

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Manufacturing industries

Customer-centric, data-led manufacturing

For manufacturers, true digital transformation starts by envisioning where in the value chain can data be applied to make a difference.

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Public Sector

Accessible and intuitive public services

All public sector services should be designed to serve citizens first. Digital solutions and applications must be easy to use, despite physical and cognitive disabilities.

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Energy and utilities

Dynamic and resilient energy economy

Digital processes and data-led services help energy and utility sector companies develop a stable energy offering with transparent, customer-centric services.

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Digital platform economy

Fast-tracking innovative business models

Shared platforms offer fast entry to new markets, cost-efficiently and scalably. But lasting value add comes from cross-industry collaboration and linking products with complimentary services.

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Banking, finance and insurance

Agile business, customer-centric services

Digitally disrupted, the companies in the banking, finance and insurance sector must actively innovate new approaches to build omnichannel customer experiences that fully utilize data.

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Medical devices manufacturers

User-centric healthcare applications

While medical device software is strictly regulated, there's room for innovations that make life easier for patients and caregivers. Stable and secure data flow is a must.

We can help

Here's our blogs – Have a read!

Business Processes

Blog: Summer 2020 Update

Despite the circumstances 2020 has presented, our summer has been full of excitement! We welcomed a new SVP of Strategy and Partnerships, kicked off our first ever virtual Vincit Talks, finished a third office expansion, and last, but definitely not least, were...

Business Processes

Blog: How to Start Remote Work at Your Company

Adjusting to a new way of work can take time and initially seem daunting, especially if you work in an industry that hasn't allowed for remote work in the past. Here's how to get started.

Sean Richards

March 17 2020


Business Processes

Blog: What a Successful Software Development Relationship Looks Like

One of the most important steps to setting up a new partnership for success is both the client and the developers need to be clear on the "Definition of Done".

Anssi Kuutti

February 6 2020


Business Processes

Blog: How to Select Your Software Development Agency

It's seemingly simple to compare suppliers by their hourly rates. Look beyond the price tag and get better results by following this Software Development Guide.

Anssi Kuutti

January 21 2020