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Whitepaper: Make your eCommerce recession resilient by going headless


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Many businesses are currently tightening their belts, hoping to ride out the seismic shocks set off by the worldwide pandemic and subsequent inventory shortages. With a prolonged recession looming, it’s clear that your business can no longer simply grit its teeth and wait for normality to resume. You need a strong strategy for this year and beyond. Not just one that helps you survive, but one that enables you to thrive. 

Ninety percent of businesses that aren’t currently using headless website architecture say they’re looking into it within the year. However, a custom enterprise-level headless e-commerce solution requires six to nine months to complete. By starting the process right now, you can bolster your business’ primary revenue stream in time to confidently ride out the predicted economic uncertainty.

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn why now is the time to act, how insights from past recessions can help you prioritize, and why making the switch to headless now equips you to outperform your competition and pivot to face changing circumstances.

What’s inside

  • Lessons from past recessions

  • Why headless is recession resilient 

  • Why to do a self audit