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Our work


Helping Martela to make an effective digital business transformation

Martela designs and manufactures furniture to create spaces that support different ways of working and learning. We helped Martela transform how they can start digitizing their business, moving from only relying on traditional sales channels to offering a range of products online and building the foundation for digital business.


The challenge – supporting a business transformation

As B2B sales as a whole are increasingly going digital and customers expect to be able to do things online, for Martela it was important to start building the capability to also serve customers online alongside more traditional channels. 

This required changes to company operations, integration to existing operational processes, and building a solid, future-proof technical architecture to support this digital transformation. For example, instead of only offering a customizable set of office and learning environment furniture based on customer specifications, a range of ready-designed products would also be available in their new online store.

This was a major project but overall things went smoothly. Vincit’s team was professional and easygoing. Thanks to Vincit, we now have a solid base for our digital commerce efforts and can continue to build new services to improve our customer experience.

Eija Gonzalez, Head of Digital / Martela


The solution – a new strategy and a smart platform

We worked closely together with Martela throughout this project. The first step was to create a digital sales strategy for Martela to set out the vision and the roadmap on how to move forward. This is especially important in business transformation projects as they require a change in the way of working across an organization and processes. 
Once a solid way forward was established, we moved on to finding the best architecture and platforms to support Martela’s strategy. We never use a one-size-fits-all approach and looked at a range of platforms and architecture options to fit Martela’s needs. After a thorough evaluation process, we suggested a composable architecture approach that is cloud native and microservices based with a headless front-end technology.  The Spryker eCommerce platform was chosen as the best match for the architecture vision. 
We then created the first version of the new webshop for Martela using an agile process based on sprints. This ensured that the concept could evolve as needed and be tested along the way to make sure it was meeting all the needs set out in the strategy.  


Expertise used

Digital sales strategy
eCommerce architecture & roadmap
Platform selection
Process design
UI/UX design
Composable architecture

The impact – improving the customer experience with digital sales  

A strong foundation for digital services


From strategy work to the architecture vision and first implementation of the new digital sales channel, we were able to create a solid foundation for Martelas digital services that enables future development steps. 

Creating a new sales channel to reach new types of customers


Martela can now offer their products online, opening a new type of sales channel. This new digital sales channel helps Martela to reach new types of B2B customers, supporting business growth. 

Enabling new services 


The composable commerce platform built by us supports easily rolling out new services as needed by Martela to better serve customers and improve their customer experience – helping to increase sales. 
First mile in digital transformation


Expanding to online sales required a change in roles, in the ways of working in Martela, the strategy and eCommerce platform support this business transformation – creating a competitive advantage. This journey continues with the continuous development and deepening the partnership between Martela and Vincit.