A new strategic eCommerce direction for Transmeri
Transmeri Group, a leader in Finland's cosmetics and wellness wholesale and manufacturing, joined forces with Vincit to find a strategic direction for B2C direct-to-consumer sales. The goal was to audit how Transmeri could accelerate growth in B2C eCommerce and facilitate strategic business decision-making.

The challenge – how to pave the path for success in B2C?
Transmeri Group had the vision of translating the established B2B success into consumer eCommerce. The collaboration with Vincit aimed to clarify the business objectives, identify improvement areas, streamline processes, help make technology choices and plan an actionable roadmap. The project also set out to build a solid business case for strategic decision-making.
Vincit played a crucial role in helping Transmeri Group establish a strategic direction for our eCommerce business. By providing a professional view from outside, Vincit’s team was able to strengthen our own thoughts and ideas. As a result, the Transmeri team and management now have clear alternatives for proceeding. The collaboration facilitated Transmeri Group’s strategic business decision-making.
Peter Krause, Technical Process Owner, eCommerce / Transmeri Group

The solution – strategic analysis and business case
Together with Transmeri, Vincit conducted a comprehensive review of their customers, processes, organization, and technology. This included internal interviews and market research, deep-dive in sales and customer data, as well as a comprehensive technical architecture review. All this laid the groundwork for strategic decision-making.
Through gap analysis, Vincit identified the discrepancies between the current operations and future goals. Based on this insight and through collaborative co-creative design with Transmeri, Vincit developed strategic scenarios and business cases helping to understand the investments needed for growth.
We combined an action-oriented roadmap and technical architecture with analysis to provide Transmeri a solid foundation for strategic decision-making.

Expertise used
The impact – solid foundation for decision making
A comprehensive eCommerce capability audit
The collaboration provided a thorough understanding of Transmeri’s eCommerce capabilities, identifying strengths and potential growth areas – particularly in B2C operations.
Informed strategy for growth
The project offered insights into key drivers for the wellness online store's sales goals, influencing technological, resource and process decisions. This built a strong ground for internal discussions and strategic choices.
Actionable roadmap and technical architecture vision
We created a detailed action plan and architecture vision together with Transmeri. These focused on strengthening eCommerce capabilities and supporting Transmeri’s growth objectives.