C/4HANA puts the customer at the heart of business at Śnieżka
The market leader in the paint and varnish industry in Poland.
As the market leader in the paint and varnish industry in Poland, FFiL Śnieżka faces significant challenges on the market – ones connected with increasing the quality of customer service and ensuring a positive customer experience.

Omnichannel customer service
By providing one, shared system that supports both current and future business processes, customer service, multi-channel contact, service and marketing, SAP Sales and Service Clouds perfectly responded to the needs of FFiL Śnieżka.
"The implementation carried out by you means that departments can use one solution suited to their needs. Working within a single business object means that customer service and customer verification has become faster and more transparent."
In the past, the company used various tools for various departments and needs. The implementation carried out by you means that departments such as Marketing, Contact Center, Sales Departments, Customer Complaints Department and Management Board can use one solution suited to their needs. Working within a single business object means that customer service and customer verification has become faster and more transparent.
Dawid Kozak, C/4HANA Product Owner, FFiL Śnieżka
Paint the full picture
Faced with challenges such as problems with information flow and with sharing customer information between departments, as well as the lack of possibility to develop the current ERP tool, Śnieżka set itself some specific goals: increasing the efficiency of business processes, and consequently, improving the quality of customer service. The introduced changes should result in a controlled sharing of customer information and in Śnieżka’s better understanding of its customers.
It was also necessary to find a cloud solution which can be continuously developed and which can serve the business without the need for any additional programming work. A combination of SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud was chosen, and so a cloud and mobile tool, which is the working environment for several departments at Śnieżka, was implemented with the help of us.

Expertise used
Sap sales & service cloud puts the customer at the heart of business
Comprehensive solution
One of the many elements supported by C4C at Śnieżka is supporting field sales representatives by planning visits and routes. All information about the customer and about steps to be taken during the visit can be found in one place. The use of the cloud means that it is possible to work on mobile devices, and once a network connection is established, data is updated in real time, which significantly speeds up interaction with the numerous departments of the organisation.
The implemented service module supports the Decorators’ Department, Colouring Department, Customer Complaints Department and Contact Center.
The solution has become the core of customer service. It is at the center of architecture, among the ERP, Commerce and Marketing tools. This means it enables initiating sales and service processes and ensures that the customer is helped in an efficient way when they report an issue to Śnieżka.
SAP Sales and Service Clouds have shown great flexibility in creating completely new processes – without the need for huge amounts of resources. The integrating capabilities of C/4HANA have proved useful a number of times, as the Śnieżka system landscape is very extensive, with both the new applications and the legacy system.